OUr vision

Grab Life By The Balls proactively increases the quality of boy's and men's health and well-being.
We effectively build and nurture grassroots communities within a fun, relaxed and accepting environment.
We expand and strengthen the quality of mateship between men from all walks of life through real, authentic and genuine connections.
Grab Life By The Balls creates a healthier and happier world of inspired, empowered and on-purpose men.
We are the Mateship Movement.

our values
effectively simple
solution oriented
accepting environment
authentic, genuine, real
relaxed/ laidback

why we do what we do:
the problem:
Australia is one of the world's healthiest societies, yet our men and boys die younger; experience more disease and have less access to support services
7 men suicide everyday in Australia (of the 9 suicides per day)
situational distress is the major link in male suicide (eg loss of job, separation/ divorce, financial struggles)
social isolation (loneliness) is worse than obesity and is as bad for your health as smoking 16 cigarettes a day
1.1 million Aussie men have no close friends (outside of their immediate family), males reach peak loneliness at 35

our solution:
• strong social connections keep men happy and healthy
better quality if life
more satisfied life
50% increased longevity
strengthens immune system
• maintaining male friendships can improve males life expectancy by 22%
• having 3 close mates is one of the best things men can do for their health and well-being
how we do it:
Social events:
- we run laid back, social, informal events for men to connect, hang out, be themselves, have a laugh, have fun
talks & presentations:
- our talks and presentations are for everyone. Raising awareness of male mental health and male suicide is due to a variety of unique factors and inequities that affect boys and men's health that everyone needs to know and understand to improve male health in Australia
- follows on from our talks and empower boys and men to look out for each other through ongoing mate to mate mentoring and support
- specific programs for male high school students and sporting/ community groups

our goal:
connecting 1 million aussie boys and men